My name is Dave !1!!! or, my full name is Dámaso S. Velázquez!!
i live in
Pmzmvi ::::/ but I was born in The Land of Aranea!! i have been designing webs my whole life!! but websites i've only designed for a bit now.
i would really love to share some of my pictures with you!!... but my video camera broke and i'm still waiting for it to get fixed. my audio recorder is working though!! i've posted some tapes
here, i hope you all enjoy!!
also, people have been telling me some things on my site are.... glitchy?? or just don't load properly. i'm not 10000% sure why.. but it probably has something to do with the device.. thing i'm using to host this. i'm trying to fix it, but it seems to happen unpredictably and nonsensically.
well.. anyway!!!! i don't know what else to add here, but i hope you enjoy my silly little website!! i'll update it as regularly as i can manage!!!